Thursday, 10 April 2008


KRONOS: kronos the god of time was locked away in the legendary TITAN'S GATE OF TARTARUS he can use the ultimate time shift power to transport buildings

ORANOS:oranos the god of illustrious power works as a team mate with gaia the goddess
of not bieng seen
ATLAS:atlas works as a team mate with Kronos as they both wish to get back at Zues for
imprisoning Kronos and making Atlas bear the weight of the heavens.

the atlanteans bear supreme strength in attack
the toxotes fire as the hoplites fall back
the enemies advance not knowing what lies
ahead in the bushes awaits there demise.
gargerensis looks forward with keen steady eyes
but not making contact with our gory surprise
he takes a step forward then springs back in terror
as he's shot in the eye he realises his error.


Gledwood said...

that looks like a mighty inconvenient world to live in ...

MMathai said...
